I am pleased to be a part of a new Storybundle curated by none other than Kevin J. Anderson. It’s called the Adventure SF bundle. Here’s Kevin describing it in his own words: THE WARP SPEED AHEAD ADVENTURE SF BUNDLE Warp Speed Ahead! A new adventure SF StoryBundle curated by bestselling author Kevin J….
Operation: Jabberwock Chapter Three
Did you miss a chapter? Click on the tag at the bottom. Three “Dodgson,” Alice said into the greenery. “How do I find a Jabberwock?” Her cochlear implant chimed. “You don’t,” said the ship. “The Jabberwock finds you.” “Perfect,” said Alice. “Thank you. You’ve been quite helpful.” The artificial intelligence mumbled something unintelligible, but Alice…
Operation: Jabberwock Chapter Two
Are you missing any chapters? Click the Operation: Jabberwock tag at the bottom of this post to get them all! Two Everyone at the Wonderland Academy for Girls learned two things: Manners and murder. The first one was for appearances’ sake. The latter was for livelihood. For Wonderland turned out the greatest assassins in the…
Operation Jabberwock Chapter One
This is the first installment of my forthcoming novella Operation: Jabberwock. It’s Alice in Wonderland in space, yo. If you miss any chapters, just click the Operation: Jabberwock tag at the bottom to get them all. Twas Brillig when Alice set her ship down on the remote planet. She wasted no time unbuckling from the…
New Serialized Fiction Coming Soon to the Blog and My Patreon
Big things are cooking over here at Mechanoid Press. I’m working on a new space opera novella trilogy and decided to serialize it a chapter at a time as I go here on the ol’ blog as well as my Patreon. The graphic is a preview of the cover art, which is being done…
New Design Added to My Teepublic Store!
I am pleased to announce that I’ve uploaded a new design to my Teepublic store! Now you can get the original artwork from my Mechanoid Press anthology Robots Unleased! on a t-shirt, hoodie, prints, and more! Check it out here.
My Tentative Dragon Con 2019 Schedule
Here’s my panel list for Dragon Con 2019, taking place Labor Day weekend in downtown Atlanta. Note: All panels are tentative until your butt’s in the seat and the panel is over. ——————- Title: Kaiju Lit: Final Wars Description: Our third annual discussion about massive, apocalyptic, property value lowering strange beasts in literature. Time: Fri…
Legends of New Pulp on Audio
I just found out that a massive collection of New Pulp fiction I have a story in, called Legends of New Pulp Fiction, is also available as an Audio CD from Radio Archives. My story is called “Peachy Keane and the Damballa Stone.” It’s over 40 hours of audio goodness to stick in your ear…
Next Chapter Con
I’m proud to announce that I will be an author guest at Next Chapter Con Saturday, September 7th, in Ringgold, Georgia, on the Georgia/Tennessee line. It looks to be a lot of fun. I’ll have a table and will be selling books at the event as well as being on panels. It’s also the…
10 Things I Learned from Stranger Things 3
You can fight the monster and win. Change is an often sad but necessary part of growing up. 80’s pop culture knowledge and song lyrics just might help save the world. Don’t post any spoilers for this show on social media for at least a month after it drops. Seriously. You can get killed…