The Expanding Universe 5, the space opera and military SF anthology containing my story “Going Rogue,” is now available in print and ebook from Amazon. I think there are some potential award-winners in this book, and I am thrilled to be a part of it. You can get it here.
New Anthology and Last Days for the Storybundle
The 5th volume in the popular Expanding Universe anthology series is now up for pre-order. It contains my story “Going Rogue,” as well as work by Lawrence M. Schoen, Craig Martelle, Rachel Aukes, Terry Mixon, and more. 23 authors in all. Placing a story in this anthology was one of my goals this year,…
The Expanding Universe 5
I am pleased to announce that my story “Going Rogue” will be included in the latest volume in the Expanding Universe anthology series. My tale is an action-adventure yarn about why we go to war and what it does to us, and I am proud to be among such august company. Kevin J. Anderson wrote…
Just 8 Days Left in the Storybundle
There’s just 8 more days to get the exciting Warp Speed Ahead Adventure SF bundle, curated by Kevin J. Anderson. My novel Star Swarm is one of the bonuses in this impressive assembly of science fiction novels. Go check it out while there’s still time.
Warp Speed Ahead Adventure SF Bundle
It’s still not too late to grab this awesome Storybundle. 14 adventure SF novels by some amazing writers, including yours truly! Grab it here.
My Dragon Con 2019 Schedule
This weekend is Dragon Con. Here is my official schedule. Title: Kaiju Lit: Final Wars Time: Fri 11:30 am Location: Peachtree 1-2 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour) Description: Our third annual discussion about massive, apocalyptic, property value-lowering strange beasts in literature. Panelists: Eric R. Asher(M), James Palmer, J. Gregory Keyes, Matt Frank Title: The…
Operation: Jabberwock Chapter Seven
Miss a chapter? Click on the Operation: Jabberwock tag. Seven Night came quickly to Perdition. Seconds after the planet’s host star disappeared over the horizon, gigantic LED lights switched on. They were mounted to discontinued freighters, ruined scows, and crashed ore haulers by magnetic clamps, and flooded the arena with a cold, white light in…
Operation: Jabberwock Chapter Six
Miss a chapter? Click on the Operation: Jabberwock tag. Six During her early years in the Wonderland Academy for Girls, the students would often pretend that their parents were among the wealthiest in the Multiplicity and would one day come back for them. Or had fallen on hard times and couldn’t handle an extra mouth…
Operation: Jabberwock Chapter Five
Miss a chapter? Click on the Operation: Jabberwock tag. Five After a standard hour the Reaver they called Sarge finally came for a visit. By then Alice had fully recovered from being tranqed, and was pretty pissed by then. Sarge stared down at her, a look of pity on his face. He had close-cropped dark…
Operation: Jabberwock Chapter Four
Miss a chapter? Click on the Operation: Jabberwock tag. Four The worst thing about it was the pain. The pain of being remade. Of being torn apart and put back together. Of having your insides ripped out and something else put back in. They told Alice that it would make her better. Faster. Stronger. When…